That only 8% of those who set goals achieve them?

8 fucking percent. Wild, right?

I believe it’s due to the mindset that comes with the goal.
When you know what you want, majority of the time you also know what you need to do, yet you don’t do it.
Can you see why I think it's the mindset

Did you know...

Know what you want to achieve and yet you’re still not moving towards it.
You tell yourself you are not good enough or not worthy.
You have no idea who you need to be to achieve your goals.
You want to improve your approach to sales
You want to connect with like minded women who go through the breakthrough journey with you.
You want to release your past stories that no longer serve you.
You want to learn more about money mindset, manifestation, how to have epic relationships and business strategy.
You are sick of trying to do this on your own.
You are ready to invest into yourself.

for you if you:


"I have been able to 13x my monthly revenue."

"When I became a client of Rhi just over 12 months ago my business was earning
me $600 a month. Within a year I have been able to 13x my monthly revenue. 
I will let you do the math."

Bek Hibbard

" HOLY FUCKING SHIT BALLS I manifested $10,000."

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT BALLS I manifested $10,000 that I needed for my doctors!!!
 I have finally let go of control over how the money showed up and screamed to the universe! This shit works!!!! "


"This is honestly the best thing
I have ever invested in!!!"

"That was a full-on session! Thank you, Rhi!! This is honestly the best thing I have ever invested in!!!"


Week 1

Learning what caused you to get to this very moment and how to change the narrative of your life.

Making sense of how you got to this point in your life. 

Week 2

As a collective, we create the resources you need for your present and future to have impenetrable belief in yourself and your dreams.

Creating the resources you need for your future.

Week 3

You will go through an incredible process to clear all the limitations that are holding you back from your future self.

Breakthrough week.

Week 4

Now that you have released your past, you will be able to begin to manifest all the things you desire for your future using Rhi’s signature process.


Manifesting your wildest desires.

Week 5

We will go through a process to connect you deeper with money so that you and money can work in unity to create magic moving forward.



Money Mindset.

Week 6

We will go on a journey of how to rock all your relationships in your life. From lovers, friends, family, team and clients.



Relationship Essentials.

Week 7

We will go through the depths of Rhi’s business strategy and what got her to being a multi 6 figure coach. She shares the blueprint from $0 to your first 6 figures.


Business Strategy and Sales psychology.

Week 8

You will learn how to raise your vibe and how to become who you need to be to create the life of your dreams. 


Raising your overall vibration.

breakthrough like never before.


Imagine what life would look like when you release your past and are equipped with the resources for your future.

What would that look like?

What would that feel like?

This is YOUR moment. You have been searching for this for so long and it’s here, ready for you.

It’s time to do things differently, to get the results you want, wouldn’t you agree?

Imagine if you devoted 8 weeks to transform your entire life?

Amazing? Beautiful? Limitless, perhaps?

""Dude my biz is in so much momentum  right  now I can't even keep up with it!"

"Dude my biz is in so much momentum right now I can't even keep up with it!
Thank you for all of your guidance and support so far, I don't think this would have happened without you!"


"  I manifested $8000 this week!."

"How frikken awesome is this? I manifested $8000 this week! I am LOVING learning from you!"


"Last month was my biggest month in business!! "

"Last month was my biggest month in business!! I feel so aligned and the journal prompts are really working.
So glad I took the lead and I am working with you!"


8 x group live zoom trainings where you can interact with Rhi and ask any questions you have.
All trainings will be recorded and you have access to them for life.
Workbook for each week to do your playwork and action steps that are set out.
Group FB messenger chat where you can connect with the other women going through the breakthrough with you and share updates with Rhi.

What will it include:


You get Rhi’s 3 signature mini courses Rhi Design Your Life, Manifesting Dope Shit and Money Mindset Mastery for FREE normally valued at $250 each, a total of $750!

You don’t want to let go of your past.
You are not ready to take ownership of your actions
You aren’t willing to do the work.
You won’t make the time for the program.
You don’t want to participate in the group.

This  program  is  NOT  for  you  if:

Our next 8 week group breakthrough starts in May. There are only 10 spots available per round, so if you want to secure your spot, or grab further information Fill out the form below​.

Information  Request

Thank  You

